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Now downloading free:Keithley 501 903 01C

Keithley 501 903 01C free download

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PROTO Module The PROTO Module is a prototyping board that enables users to design and interface their own circuits to the Series 500. All Series 500 slot signals are available on the PROTO Module including the supply voltages and grounds. The PROTO Module in- cludes interface logic for one TTGcompatible B-bit bidirectional data port. This allows &bit data transfers to and from the user-designed circuitry on the PROTO Module. One byte of data can be written to or read from the PROTO Module using the slot- dependent CMDA address. Circuit Design Information All of the Series 500 slot signals are available on the PROTO module, the slot signal configuration is shown in Figure R-l. The available power voltages and current sourcing capabilities are as follows: Table R-l.Power Supply Information Voltage Current Available Pin Number +5 3oomA 21 & 24 +15 5omA 7 & 38 -15 5omA 6 & 39 All circuits designed on the PROTO module must satisfy the timing specification shown in Figure R-2 for proper operation. Document Number: 501-903-01 Rev. C PROTo- REAR PANEL ANA GND 1 ANA f'flllfi 3 ANA CAM ULC `;LB 2 F7 13 1 1 32 D7 FRONT PANEL * NOTE: IN SLOT 1 PIN 10 CARRIES CMDC AND PIN 11 CARRIES CMDD + NOTE: IN SLOT 2 AND 3 PIN 11 CARRIES CMDC (A/D START/STATUS) Figure R-l. Pin Out Diagram of Typical Connector PROTo- READ CYCLE `CMDA t1 M- t2 -+l++l t3 DATA DATA MUST BE VALID `CMDA t4 15 w-4 I++1 16 DATA -< DATA IS VALID FROM PC > b-@lt7 l+---4t8 R/W * NOTE: THE TIMING FOR THE CMDB SIGNAL IS THE SAME AS CMDA t1 310n.s typ t2 200nS min 13 OnS min 14

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